Heads Up! Advance notice of Away from Office

Hey Folx, InkyPaws here,

This is a public post, I’ve pretty much put this up on all our social media spaces, but wanted to put on the website as well for main source of news.

We are OUT OF OFFICE May 2nd through 6th! (As well as prior and following weekend).
We will be back in office the following Monday (the 9th of May).

We plan on taking some personal time to work on personal projects, as well as get some stuff done around the house that’s been piling up WAY too long. I’ve also been running at full steam for much too long and its costing me physically. I’ve also got 2 physical therapy appointments that week, as well as an important doctors appointment for something that’s been troubling me for much too long physically which makes working difficult (remember all those nights I had to disappear randomly from stream?). DaftFur wants to focus on some personal merch products they’ve been stalling on, as well as possibly a new collaborative species they’ve been brainstorming on lately?

Anyways. We’ve updated the calendar for some events we WILL be working this year for physical cons. (Such as Wildnights April 21st-23rd)

As you’ve also noticed on the website, our commission prices for both FURSUITS and ART commissions have raised for both DaftFur and myself. We think we can focus on more art stuff and wanted to reflect in our prices our seriousness for business.

Thank you all for your support and patience! We love you all so much.

Charlie and Ichigo
AKA InkyPaw and DaftFur